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"Stand or Fall" by The Fixx (Shuttered Room, 1982)

Under Fell Center: Digital Art by Shawn Michel de Montaigne

Stand or Fall

The Fixx


Crying parents tell their children

If you survive don't do as we did

A son exclaims there'll be nothing to do to

Her daughter says she'll be dead with you

While foreign affairs are screwing rotten,

Line morale has hit rock bottom

Dying embers stand forgotten

Talks of peace were being trodden

Stand or fall, state your peace tonight

Stand or fall, state your peace tonight

Is this the value of our existence

Should we proclaim with such persistence

Our destiny relies on conscience

Red or blue, what's the difference?

Stand or fall, state your peace tonight

Stand or fall, state your peace tonight

It's the Euro theatre

It's the Euro theatre

It's the Euro theatre

An empty face reflects extinction

Ugly scars divide the nation

Desecrate the population

There will be no exultation

Stand or fall, state your peace tonight

Stand or fall, state your peace tonight

It's the Euro theatre

It's the Euro theatre

It's the Euro theatre

Stand or fall

Stand or fall

Stand or fall

Stand or fall


Late at night long ago,

as I sat doing advanced calculus homework,

this song would often come on.

It always stopped me,

and I'd listen to it.

It was the early 80s,

Ronnie Raygun was sitting in the Oval Office,

daily making threats against the Soviet Union,

daily destroying unions,

pensions, retirements;

he was starting unneeded and unwanted wars

overseas, stoking hatreds worldwide,

wiping out the commonweal,

upping the mistrust, and stockpiling nuclear warheads.

I was fairly convinced humanity would not survive to see the 90s.

We did, of course; and so people look at the evil

that dickhead did to, well, everything, and they proclaim

him a great president.

He was not.

This song was written in direct protest of him

and all like him, including, especially,

the detestable Margaret Thatcher,

Queen Bitch of the Universe.

Incredibly, depressingly,

this song has aged remarkably well.

It is easily as relevant today as it was in 1982,

arguably more so.

Almost inarguably, my generation--the Boomers--

are the single worst generation in all of human history.

We helped to put that asshole in office,

then, thirty-six years later,

voted overwhelmingly to put the actual

worst president in American history into office.

Today my generation, blinded by hate,

deaf to reason,

unwilling to leave their pathetic echo chambers,

threaten all life on Earth with their

blatant ignorance, bigotry, magical thinking,

conspiracy theories, selfishness, greed, consumption,

and abject indifference.

And I find myself singing:

"Crying parents tell their children

If you survive don't do as we did ..."


Digital Art: Under Fell Center by yours truly


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