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"Shadow on the Sun" by Audioslave (Audioslave, 2002)

The Anger of the Sankyanness: Digital Art by Shawn Michel de Montaigne

Shadow on the Sun



Once upon a time

I was of the mind

To lay your burden down

And leave you where you stood

And you believed I could

You'd seen it done before

I could read your thoughts

And tell you what you saw

And never say a word

But now all that is gone

Over with and done

Never to return

And I can't tell you why people die alone

I can tell you I'm a shadow on the sun

Staring at the loss

Looking for the cause

And never really sure

Nothin' but a hole

To live without a soul

And nothing to be learned

And I can't tell you why people go insane

I can show you how you could do the same

I can't tell you why the end will never come

I can tell you I'm a shadow on the sun

Shapes of every size

Move behind my eyes

Doors inside my head

Bolted from within

Every drop of flame

Lights a candle in

A memory of the one

Who lived inside my skin

And I can't tell you why people go insane

I can show you how you could do the same

I can't tell you why the end will never come

I can tell you I'm a shadow on the sun

Shadow on the sun

Shadow on the sun

Shadow on the sun

Shadow on the sun

Shadow on the sun

Shadow on the sun

Shadow on the sun

Shadow on the sun




A song that will forever remind me

of Necrolius Anaxagorius.

It's also featured in Collateral,

one of my all-time favorite films.

It's Chris Cornell at his very best,

a shining talent lost to us all too soon.

His lyrics are raw, are very near to the skin of things,

and unignorable if you're anything like me.

Maybe you are.


Digital Art: The Anger of the Sankyanness by yours truly

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