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"Pretty Like Drugs" by Queen Adreena (Drink Me, 2002)

Nonsense in the Sense: Digital Art by Shawn Michel de Montaigne

Pretty Like Drugs

Queen Adreena


In vein, I seek farther, the needle closer, the little end ...

The world is watching as I take my last breath

The world is watching as I get undressed

'Cause I'm pretty like drugs

The world is watching as my wings unfurl

The world is watching the death of a girl

'Cause I'm pretty like drugs

The world is watching with a pregnant pause

The world is watching as I fuck to applause

The world is watching as I plant the last seed

The world is watching me watching tv

'Cause I'm pretty like drugs

I load the gun

I wax and wane

Subject all of my pain

Onto you baby

'Cause I'm pretty like drugs


The chaos of it.

The pounding beat.

The sense of a girl going batshit crazy,

and not always in a bad way.

The song's lyrics reference drug use,

suicide, voyeurism, and violent death.

In other words,

standard rock n' roll fodder.

But for me, at least,

underneath those lyrics is the pounding

pulse of a young woman

coming into her own

come hell or high water.


Digital art: Nonsense in the Sense by yours truly

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