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Port Orford: Photography by Shawn Michel de Montaigne

The mute button doesn’t work anymore.

A moment’s silence is worth more than gold.

Interest compounds it into the solemn roar of the golden sun,

arcing across an unsettled October mind.

I languish as clouds cover her payment to me.


The moments don’t escape me, even at sixty miles per hour.

I’m surrounded by them.

As a child I used to feel them all the time.

But “feel” is the wrong word.

So is “see,” or any other sense-word.

Completeness? Dynamic and brimming,

they often bring tears to my eyes.

But ... quiescent, too.

Honesty completes the sentence the period is too afraid to.

Death doesn’t come; it’s already there, in every moment,

part of its very DNA, beneath everything, breathing, full of life.


Silence christens the sun. It’s afternoon.

I’ve forgiven her debt.


From Conversations With God


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Digital Art: Port Orford by yours truly