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Unsmited: A Fan Fiction Tribute to The Lord of the Rings

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Sauron is dead; the poisonous dark fume over the land is lifting; and the Orcs have been smited--swallowed up by a vengeful earth that held them in hateful contempt. All but one, that is. This is his story.


Author's notes: I know that even mentioning JRR Tolkien's name requires a genuflection and a goat sacrifice on an altar somewhere, so for me to write a fan fiction tribute to his iconic tale is heresy in the eyes of many. Oh well. Here it is anyway.

I don't pretend to have his writing chops, his enormous breadth of knowledge, or his voice, which was epic as all hell. But then, I require none of those things, really, to write something that I personally find very satisfying and worth the time. I hope you do, too.

I really don't know where this story--my story--is going. It's not mapped out or anything. But that's the way I like it. I'm as anxious as anyone to know where it's going and how it's going to end. Here, in the meantime, are ten chapters for your enjoyment and perusal. As with all my works-in-progress, the further in you delve, the less edited the work becomes. Please forgive any grammar, tone, or plot issues. Over time they will be resolved.



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