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Fractalverse: Volume Seven

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A Guide to Pay What You Want


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If you have read something of mine and it wasn't quite your cup o' tea, but you want to give me another shot (thank you!), by all means, download this book for free. I hope you have a better reading experience!

If you have read something of mine and enjoyed it, and want to read this book next, please consider paying something--anything--for my time, love, dedication, persistence, and hard work. If you don't have any money, by all means download this book for free, but commit to writing a review for it when you are done. Post your review here, or at Goodreads, or at any of the many online retailers where it appears. Know that wherever it is, I am very grateful that you took the time and effort to post it.

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Why take the highway?

Sure, it’s the safe route, the easy route.

But the emptiness calls me.

I want to walk and walk and walk

until I can no longer see the highway.

Until I can no longer see any path of any kind.

I want to sit on a hill way out there.

That hill.

The one with the meadow leading up through

the trees and covering its top.

Bet I could see the river from there.

I’ll sit up there, and I’ll watch the day go by,

and I’ll know, finally, just how useless

all that effort, all that anger, all that fighting

really was.

I’m going to sit up there and let the underlying

peace—the peace that underlies everything,

even those meaningless battles—

flow through me without resistance, without judgment,

without intellection, without introspection.

Nobody will know I’m here.

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